Monday, October 17, 2011

HIV Video Response: 28 and Jaboya

The fist video featured Stephanie Nolen as she discussed her book entitled 28.  Stephanie wrote this book surrounding the issue of AIDS in sub-saharan Africa, following her four year residency studying and reporting on the subject.  During her book review, she explained many topics in which AIDS effected, including the economy and the government.  A main example she highlighted was the fact that the highest pop. of people infected with the virus were between the ages of 18-35, which serves as the steady working force.  Along with this age group being involved in the work force, it cut out an entire generation of parents, which most likely infected their kids as well.  The fact that many children did not have parents to watch and care for them, siblings had to care for each other.  If such children wanted to pursue an education, in most countries, education is free up until 10th grade, then must be paid for by the student.  Without parents to help financially, this generation was also effected as they could not receive an education past high school.  Another topic that Ms. Nolen spoke about was the campaigns and administrations created by the United States.  She stated that campaigns like RED in which Apple Inc. supports and others, have dramatically brought down the overall AIDS vaccine price to individuals in Africa.  Along with this, she highlighted the positive influence that the Bush Administration had, as it was the number one distributer of condoms throughout Africa.  Finally, her book was entitled 28, as their are 28,000,000 individuals in sub-saharian Africa infected with HIV.

The deadliest catch video surrounded the problem of HIV transmission in the Lake Victoria area.  This fishing community hosts an extremely high infection rate.  The reason for their prominent infection rate surrounds the Jaboya System.  This system is basically a prostitution scheme, as the widows and wives around the community have sex with the fisherman for money or food.  Older women take part in the Jaboya System, but it also attracts many younger females, as for may people it is the only means of a steady income to provide for their siblings.  Highlighted in the video, a women discussed her sexual activity within the system and stated that she does not always use a condom.  She backed up this irresponsible sexual behavior as she believed it was inevitable that someday she was going to receive the virus, so she didn't really care to fight off that fact.  Areas like this, with people who plainly accept the fact that they will eventually die from HIV/ AIDS, is truly amoung the greatest rates of infection, deserve to be targeted by condom distributors and United States agencies before all others.  But in reality, their is no short term answer to this problem, as the poverty continues to grow, and unsafe sexual behavior continues to be relevant.

The third video preaches additional information similar to the deadliest catch, as it focuses on the Jaboya system around Lake Victoria, and all throughout the Nile River.  Due to the steady rise in perch costs to consumers, the fishing industry has acted almost as a gold rush for males in Africa.  Within the video, interviewed males speak about their part in the Jaboya system.  They explained that instead of having sex with women from their village, they take part in other areas around the Nile.  This provides an easy unknown spreading cause of the virus, as females are infected by strangers to their life.  In accordance, the wives of such fisher man are also infected, and hindered from the fact, as the men often keep it as a secrete.  This system is extremely dangerous, and provides an extremely easy way to transmit the virus.  The more fish caught, the more prevalent the Jaboya System; the more Jaboya System, the more HIV and orphans.

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